Wednesday, 3 February 2016

To know about voter id card FAQs?

F.A.Q.1) I have recently got married.How can I get my wife enrolled at my address and get voter id card?

Ans. This will depend on the following:- (a) If your wife is a voter for the first time then she will have to fill in Form-6 for enrollment as a new voter. (b) In case your wife is already a voter but not in the same Assembly Constituency (such as enrolled in some other Assembly Constituency in India), then she will need to fill in Form-6 for change of residence. (c) If she is a voter in the same Assembly Constituency as you but needs only to change her address then, in such case she needs to fill in Form-8A for change of residence within the same Assembly Constituency. (d) As proof of residence she can submit a copy of her marriage certificate or copy of the marriage invitation card.

F.A.Q.2) I have recently joined Rajiv Gandhi University, Doimukh as a student.I passed school from another State / UT and I am living in Itanagar in Hostel / as a paying guest / with relative / elsewhere but within the National Capital Territory of Delhi. Am I eligible to be enrolled in Delhi? If yes, what do I need to do?

Ans. Yes, you are most definitely eligible, provided that you are not enrolled anywhere else in the country and you are residing within the Arunachal Pradesh. (a) You need to fill in Form-6 for enrollment as a new voter. Please attach your age proof if your are between the age of 18 to 21. (b) As proof of residence, you have to fill in the requisite Declaration and have it duly signed by Hostel Incharge / Principal / Registrar / Director / Dean.

F.A.Q.3) How can I know my Assembly Constituency?

Ans. You can get the name of your Assembly Constituency by going to the Home page of the official website of Election commission of india website and clicking "Electoral Roll (in PDF format)". 

F.A.Q. 4) I am already a voter and want to inspect the details about myself in the Electoral Roll. Can I do this and how?

Ans. Yes. Go to the Home page of the website official website of Election commission of india and click on "Online Elector Search".

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